The Judicial Independence in Australia Conference will bring together leading scholars and members of the profession to discuss the nature and importance of judicial independence in Australia, and to debate controversies and challenges to the principle at federal, state and territory levels. The Hon H George Fryberg will chair a session at UQ’s TC Beirne School of Law that will cover issues
Magna Carta Lecture at the Australian Senate

On Friday 19 June at 12.15pm in the Main Committee Room of Parliament House in Canberra Her Excellency Mrs Menna Rawlings CMG, British High Commissioner, will present a lecture on the Magna Carta as part of the Australian Senate Occasional Lecture Series. Admission is free and no booking is required.
Royal Australian Mint Magna Carta Coin

The Great Seal of Democracy captured in antique greatness Eight hundred years ago King John placed his seal on the Magna Carta, a peace treaty between King, Baron’s, and Church that would have a lasting legacy. The Magna Carta sought to ensure that all future leaders would be bound by the law. It became a symbol of liberty and freedom from
Magna Carta, Mandatory Sentences, and Terrorism Laws

Nicholas Cowdery AM QC, Chairman of the Magna Carta Committee of the Rule of Law Institute spoke to The World Today, outlining common misconceptions associated with the Magna Carta, what the document actually stands for, and why the government needs to rethink its approach to mandatory sentences and terrorism laws. The full interview ‘What can Tony Abbott learn from the Magna
Magna Carta in its Medieval Context – James Spigelman AC QC
As we celebrate the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta there are many attempts to read the Magna Carta through a modern lens, applying our contemporary values and understandings to the ancient document. As a counterpoint, the Honourable James Spigelman AC QC offered some timely insights into the medieval context of the Magna Carta at an event in the Banco
Judicial Activism, Legalism and Magna Carta
Speaking to an event at the Constitution Centre of Western Australia, former Justice of the Supreme Court of Western Australia, the Hon Nicholas Hasluck AM, has produced a thought provoking paper which starts with the Magna Carta and leads into a discussion about legalism and judicial activism. A very interesting read in examining what the rule of law stands for
Magna Carta Church Service

St James’ Church on King Street, Sydney, is holding an ecumenical church service to mark the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. The service will be held on Sunday, 14th June 2015, at 3pm. An address will be given by the Chairman of the Magna Carta Committee, Nicholas Cowdery, AM, QC. The Magna Carta Committee of the Rule of Law
Magna Carta Online Course

The University of London is running a MOOC – a massive open online course – on the Magna Carta. The course is free and runs over six weeks, exploring the question – what does Magna Carta really mean? Participants will engage in material delivered by staff from Royal Holloway’s Department of History and other guest speakers, engaging with world leading
National Access to Justice Conference
The National Access to Justice and Pro Bono Conference will be held on 18-19 June at Sheraton on the Park, Sydney. Held over two days, the program aims to create a dialogue about the various challenges and opportunities in enhancing access to legal services and pro bono work. The Conference will also celebrate the 800-year anniversary of the Magna Carta,
Create Your Own Magna Carta Cake

Magna Cake’s are appearing all around the world in celebration of the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. Not everyone has the time, dedication, or expertise to create a Magna Cake by hand as Mrs Jensen did (her amazing effort took 94 hours and is currently on display at Salisbury Cathedral). However, a lack of icing and baking expertise does not mean