The 2015 Supreme Court Oration ‘Magna Carta: Destiny or Accident?’ by the Right Honourable the Lord Judge. The Lecture Magna Carta: Destiny or Accident? The Magna Carta was a political settlement between a mediaeval king (King John of England) and a group of powerful barons. Yet, 800 years after it was sealed, it continues to be of interest and importance
Magna Carta and Human Rights

Magna Carta and Human Rights Poster What is the relationship between the Magna Carta and Human Rights? The Magna Carta is often seen as one of the first legal documents protecting human rights. But what is its impact on later human rights documents? The Magna Carta controlled the power of the King for the first time in English history. It
Magna Carta Exhibition Launch NSW Parliament

An event on Wednesday marked the official opening of the Magna Carta Exhibition at NSW Parliament. The Hon Don Harwin MLC, President of the Legislative Council, welcomed guests to the event and introduced Magna Carta Committee Chairman Professor Nicholas Cowdery AM QC. Mr Cowdery spoke about the history of the Magna Carta and what it means for society today. He
Public Lecture in NSW by Lord Judge on the Magna Carta

The Rule of Law Institute of Australia, UNSW Law, and the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law are hosting a lecture by the Right Hon the Lord Igor Judge looking at the question – Magna Carta: Destiny or Accident? The Lecture will be held on Thursday 1 October 2015 at 5.45pm. It will be held in Ceremonial Court No
Judicial Independence in Australia Conference

The recent Judicial Independence in Australia Conference at the TC Beirne School of Law, sponsored by the Magna Carta Committee of the Rule of Law Institute of Australia on the 10 -11 July 2015 was a resounding success. Former Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia the Honourable Sir Anthony Mason gave the keynote address. A selection of his thoughts
Magna Carta Symposium Canberra

The Australian Senate is hosting a symposium discussing the themes of the Magna Carta, parliament, and 21st century Australia. Speakers include the Patron of the Rule of Law Institute of Australia The Hon. James Spigelman AC QC and Leader of the UK Magna Carta Project Professor Nicholas Vincent (by video). The symposium will be held on Friday 30 October in
The Magna Carta After 800 Years Day Conference

The Centre for the Study of Western Tradition at Campion College Sydney is hosting a day conference to mark the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. The conference will be held at the Menzies Hotel on the 28th of November and run from 9am to 5pm. The conference features keynote speakers Mr Julian Burnside AO QC and Dr. Augusto Zimmerman
NAA Constitution Day Speakers Forum

The National Archives of Australia are holding a Constitution Day Speakers Forum on Thursday 9 July 2015. The Panel, featuring the Chairman of the Magna Carta Committee Nicholas Cowdery AM QC, Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs, and other legal experts, will be discussing the question: Magna Carta – is it relevant to 21st-century Australian democracy? Bookings are essential and can be
Tenterfield Magna Carta Exhibit A Success
Nick Clark, CEO of the Rule of Law Institute and Project Director of the Magna Carta Committee, oversaw the visit of the travelling Magna Carta Exhibition to Tenterfield. After leaving the High Court the exhibition has spent three weeks in Tenterfield, and arrived today at NSW Parliament. Nick Clark said that “The exhibition was a success – we were thrilled to
Tasmanian Parliament Magna Carta Celebrations

The Tasmanian Magna Carta Celebration event at Parliament House in Hobart was a great success. A capacity crowd of around 100 people attended, representing Parliament, the Government, the legal fraternity, the University of Tasmania, the churches and the general public. Presentations were delivered by Dr Augusto Zimmermann, the Hon William Cox AC (previous Chief Justice of Tasmania) and Professor Peter