The Rule of Law Institute and the Department of the Australian Senate held a symposium celebrating the 800th Anniversary of the grant of the Magna Carta on 30 October 2015. The Symposium was held in the Main Committee room at Australian Parliament House in Canberra. Find below a wrap-up of the days speakers and activities: [View the story “Magna Carta
Magna Carta Day in Australia 2015
A wrap up of Magna Carta Day celebrations in Australia
Happy 800th Anniversary Magna Carta!

Today is the 800th Anniversary of the Magna Carta! Magna Carta Committee member Malcolm Stewart appeared on ABC News 24 and on ABC 702 to discuss the Magna Carta. The anniversary will be marked by a Magna Carta themed episode of Q&A on ABC1 at 9.30pm AEST. It will feature Magna Carta Committee Member Bret Walker SC and Parliamentary Patron, Speaker of the
Magna Carta, Rule of Law on ABC 702 Sydney
Magna Carta Symposium Papers Now Available

Papers from the Magna Carta Symposium from May are now all available to download. Download the papers by clicking the presenters name. Professor Nicholas Cowdery AM QC spoke about the relevance of the Magna Carta in shaping our understandings of the rule of law, separation of powers, democracy, the presumption of innocence, and the concept of no taxation without representation.
Magna Carta Exhibition – High Court of Australia

The Committee is pleased to announce the launch of our Magna Carta Exhibition at the High Court of Australia – ‘Magna Carta: To None Will We Deny Justice‘. The exhibition will be open until the end of June. Nicholas Cowdery, Chairman of the Magna Carta Committee, launched the exhibition following a lecture in the Main Court given by Professor Paul
Magna Carta Poster!
CEFA Governor General’s Essay Prize on Magna Carta

2015 Governor General’s Prize – Magna Carta This years Constitution Education Fund Australia‘s Governor-General’s Prize has a distinct Magna Carta theme, one question is: ‘“Magna Carta has neither legal nor symbolic significance in Australia today.” Discuss.’ Find out more about the Governor-General’s Prize for 2015. Governor-General’s Prize Presentation 2014 This year the Constitution Education Fund Australia celebrated the 10th Anniversary of
Grant from UK Magna Carta Trust to create website: Legacy of Magna Carta in the Commonwealth

The Magna Carta Committee of the Rule of Law Institute of Australia is delighted to announce that it has been awarded £20,000 by the UK Magna Carta Trust’s 800th Anniversary Commemoration Committee. The award will be used to develop a website entitled “The Legacy of Magna Carta and fundamental liberties” and make educational material available to all Australians and other
President of the Senate and Speaker of the House Joint Patrons

The Magna Carta Committee is delighted to announce Senator the Honourable Stephen Parry, President of the Senate, and the Honourable Bronwyn Bishop, MP Speaker of the House of Representatives as joint parliamentary patrons of the Magna Carta Committee. The Committee is grateful for their support in celebrating the 800th Anniversary of Magna Carta. To follow the work of the Committee